We wanted to make you aware that Google has begun rolling out another search engine algorithm change called Google Core. It began rolling out on Monday, June 3rd. The rollout has yet to be completed.
Google typically does not pre-announce algorithm changes, and they definitely don’t explain what changes are coming, nor how or why they made the changes. It’s usually up to marketing sites to review the changes and then publish information about the changes they see so far.
However, Google pre-announced the Google Core update a day early in an effort to be proactive with informing site owners and about upcoming algorithm changes. While they stated that the changes wouldn’t be particularly big, individual Google officials did state that they would be noticeable. They also stated that the rollout could take up to a couple of weeks depending on other factors.
Based on the information recently published, for most sites, there have been fluctuations in Google search engine rankings both ways – increases and decreases – but not by a significant number. The internet niches that have been the hardest hit so far are gambling sites, health sites, and finance sites.
Prior to the recent Core updates, Google has shared the following advice concerning their broad core algorithm updates:
“Each day, Google usually releases one or more changes designed to improve our results. Some are focused around specific improvements. Some are broad changes. Last week, we released a broad core algorithm update. We do these routinely several times per year.
As with any update, some sites may note drops or gains. There’s nothing wrong with pages that may now perform less well. Instead, it’s that changes to our systems are benefiting pages that were previously under-rewarded.
There’s no ‘fix’ for pages that may perform less well other than to remain focused on building great content. Over time, it may be that your content may rise relative to other pages.”
Again, the changes are still rolling out, so we do not know what the final impact of this Google Core update will be. We will be keeping an eye on any search engine changes for the remainder of this rollout. If you have any questions about your search engine rankings or questions regarding other marketing efforts, you can give us a call at 614-401-8800 or submit a form on our Contact Us page.